During September, Wenita undertook the final stage of the native planting project along a section of Otokia Stream in our Hopehill block (see picture).

A 700m section of the stream was planted downstream from the existing plantings established in 2014 and 2018.

Plants and materials were sourced from Pukerau Nursery (Gore) and Ribbonwood Nursery (Dunedin). Some of the species we planted were purei, flax, toetoe, broadleaf, manuka, wineberry, cabbage tree, lemonwood, lancewood and kowhai.

It was a labour-intensive job, with each plant getting weed matting and tree guards. Everything was completed in seven days. All plants will get a release spray and will be fertilised in the next month.

Planting and tree guarding work was done by Gutsell Forestry Services and Wenita would like to thank them for a fantastic effort.