Wood is Good is a forestry and log transport programme developed for primary schools in New Zealand and funded by forest sector groups and the Ministry for Primary Industries.

Wood is Good is a tailored array of activities, videos, publications and demonstrations delivered to primary-aged students to educate them on the valuable benefits of forestry. Topics include environmental matters, carbon storage, climate change, wood products and how plantation trees are grown and harvested in our country. Local log transport providers and forestry company professionals deliver these sessions at schools and talk about what they do.

Students view a log truck, talk about logs and trees, find out how forests are cared for and learn how forestry is valuable to the community.

Vickie Humphries from Wood is Good and staff from Wenita and Dynes Transport visited Waihola Primary School recently to talk about safety around log trucks and show some of the technology that is being used in the forest. The children (and teachers) had a great afternoon; they got to view the log truck close up, see inside the cab and look at what a log truck driver actually sees on the road. After that they were shown some tree seedlings, treated to a drone demonstration and then a short video about safety around log trucks. They were all given hi-vis vests to wear to and from school, proudly sponsored by Wenita.

It was great to see that a number of kids have family working in the forest industry, in harvesting, transport or saw milling.

We had some interesting questions from the kids like “How fast does the truck go?” and “Can you fly your drone to the moon?”

Thanks Dynes Transport for supplying the truck and driver Paul Curline for the afternoon. He did a fantastic job.

  • By Wenita Forestry Supervisor Mike Mullan